This weekend we are partnering up with HackerYou to offer you a 3D PRINTING WORKSHOP!
On November 4th, we’ll be at CSI Toronto to teach you everything you need to know to make your design ideas into wearable prototypes. We are offering these workshops to small groups only, in order to ensure everyone has a chance to get their hands dirty with 3D printing. You can reserve your spot by clicking here to purchase a ticket from HackerYou. See below for full details.

3D Printing toronto

When: Sunday – Nov 4, 2012 – 2-5 pm
Where: CSI Toronto 720 Bathurst St. Suite 500
Register here for tickets!

You’ve heard about 3D printing, this is your opportunity to try it out first hand! We’ll show you everything you need to know to get started designing your own 3D printable items and walk you through some of the ways this technology is being put to use in the real world. During the workshop you’ll have the opportunity to do the following:

  • Learn the basics of digital fabrication
  • Find out where you can get 3D printable models online
  • Generate 3D designs of your own using MeshMixer
  • See how items are translated from the computer onto the 3D printer
  • Watch the 3D printer in action as digital designs are turned into physical objects
  • Have a design that YOU MADE 3D printed for you to keep!

Is this workshop for you?

  • Do you love DIY? This workshop will empower you with some beginner knowledge about how to make things with 3D printers.
  • Do you think that all things are better in 3-dimensions? This workshop would be a great way to get comfortable with thinking and designing in 3D.
  • Are you interested in how ideas become part of the physical world? 3D printing makes personal manufacturing possible. Learn how you can potentially materialize your wildest ideas!
  • Are you just curious? We will provide an overview that explores the many possibilities and applications that can spring from this awesome technology. Most importantly, you will get to see 3D printers in action, it doesn’t get better than that!

3D Printing Toronto